Hi everyone! HCSA Dayspring SPIN has just started our new Telegram channel – HCSA Dayspring SPIN Broadcast!
Why subscribe to our HCSA Dayspring SPIN Broadcast channel?
– Receive updates of our upcoming events and register!
– Be aware of help and resource channels for you!
– Be encouraged by stories of other single parents!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Why does SPIN wants to have a Telegram broadcast channel? Can’t we do a Whatsapp broadcast channel instead?
We want to have a common platform where everyone can be in, which is why we wanted a broadcast channel. We decided on using Telegram over Whatsapp because Whataspp broadcast channel requires all of you to save our contact number first before the broadcast messages gets through to you, while Telegram does not require so. - How is my privacy protected on Telegram?
On Telegram in our HCSA Dayspring SPIN broadcast channel, your personal phone numbers are not revealed and you may choose to adopt an alias so that you’re not identifiable. - Who will be in this Telegram broadcast channel?
We designed our Telegram broadcast channel to be for everyone 😊 Volunteers (befrienders, counsellors), SPIN members and alumni, as well as members of the public who are keen to find out more about HCSA Dayspring SPIN. - If i have any further enquiries on a specific post in the Telegram broadcast channel, how and who can i reach out to?
You can either capture the screenshot or link of the post and Whatsapp to our admin line +65 8787 0230. Someone will follow up on it and reply to you at our soonest. - Will SPIN still continue to use Whatsapp?
Yes we will continue to use Whatsapp (our admin line is +65 8787 0230) to deal with you individually in private.
Yes we will still use Whatsapp to create group chats for our specific events (eg: outings/activities/workshops).
At present we understand that some of our SPIN members and alumni may need some time to transit to Telegram, so we will still continue to send our invites/updates to events via Whatsapp in addition to posting it in the Telegram broadcast channel 😊 - What can i do to help HCSA Dayspring SPIN?
You can help SPIN be sharing our Telegram broadcast channel link (https://bit.ly/SPINTelegram) with your friends! Especially if they are single parents who need a community or help!
Join our HCSA Dayspring SPIN Telegram Broadcast Channel here! or scan the below QR code!

See you in Telegram! 😊